Apartment Berdichev center
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Apartments "Berdichev Center" are located near the park. Shevchenko, in the heart of the city. One-bedroom apartment with Wi-Fi access is equipped with cable TV. For comfortable stay guests have 24-hour water supply and independent heating. The apartment "Berdichev Center" includes a hairdryer and washing machine. Bed linen and towels are provided, as well as an iron and ironing board. The kitchen is equipped with a microwave, gas stove, refrigerator, kettle and necessary utensils. A 10-minute walk from the Berdychiv Center Apartments there is a market. The apartment is located in front of the entrance to the central park from Zhitomirskaya Street, 2.7 km from the railway station station.

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Berdychiv, Zhytomyrska Str, 7
  • Hotel services


    Quantity of rooms in hotel: 1

  • Hotel Policies

    These are general hotel policies, they may vary per room type; Please check the description of your room.
    Check in
    Check arrival: from 13:00 - 14:00 hours. Check leaving: to 12:00 - 13:00 hours.
    Reception opening hours
    09:00 - 21:00
    Children and extra beds
    Accommodation is possible only in the main places.
  • Information about nutrition

    The kitchen of the apartments "Berdichev Center" is equipped with a microwave and gas stove, refrigerator, kettle and necessary utensils. Within a 10-minute walk is the market as well as various cafes and restaurants.
  • Distance to object:
    City center Downtown ~ 1.5км
    Bus stations ~ 2.5км
    Railway stations ~ 2.7км
  • Frequently asked Questions

    ⏰ What time is apartment Berdichev center check-in and check-out?
    Check-in: from 13:00 - 14:00 hours. Check leaving: to 12:00 - 13:00 hours.
    More information about Apartment Berdichev center.
    🏨 How many apartment Berdichev center rooms?
    Total in apartment Berdichev center 1 room.
    To get more information about the rooms and their availability, select the dates of the trip on the website.
    🍳 What services are available in Apartment Berdichev center?
    For guests apartment Berdichev center the following services are available (additional fees may be charged):
    • Internet
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