Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
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Hotel "Kodatskyi Kosh" is located on the bank of the Dnieper in the village of Stari Kodaki. Offers its guests fully equipped rooms, all furniture in which is made by hand from natural materials. Each room is equipped with a bathroom, air conditioning, refrigerator, TV with satellite TV, mini bar, safe, bathroom accessories and hair dryer. Guests can use free Wi-Fi access, as well as parking. There is a restaurant on the territory of the "Kodatskyi Kosh" hotel, where all dishes are prepared in a wood-burning oven according to ancient Cossack recipes. There is an opportunity to visit a bathhouse with a whole range of wellness services (it works only on weekdays, you need to book in advance), the use is paid. In addition, the area of the complex has an outdoor swimming pool (open in summer, the cost of use is to be specified), banquet halls and a mini-zoo. Additional services are paid, the cost should be specified. The distance to the city of Dnipro is 16 km, the airport is 3 km.

Select dates of stay to see prices and rooms:
Hotels . Hotel Standard Double №1.
Standard Double №1
2 beds
for the night
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Hotels . Hotel Standard Double №4.
Standard Double №4
2 beds
for the night
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Description of the room: Double room with an area of 20 square meters. with a cozy interior, one bedroom and a double bed. View from the window on a pond with fish.

Hotels . Hotel Standard Double with balcony No. 3.
Standard Double with balcony No. 3
2 beds
for the night
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Description of the room: Standard room with a balcony, 20 sq.m. The room has one bedroom with a double bed and a balcony with a view of the pond and nature.

Hotels . Hotel De luxe Double with balcony #2.
De luxe Double with balcony #2
2 beds
for the night
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Hotels . Hotel De luxe Double №8.
De luxe Double №8
2 beds
for the night
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Description of the room: Double room with an area of 28 square meters. overlooking the Dnipro.

Hotels . Hotel De luxe Double № 6.
De luxe Double № 6
2 beds
for the night
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Hotels . Hotel Junior suite Double with terrace No. 7.
Junior suite Double with terrace No. 7
2 beds
for the night
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Description of the room: Double room with an area of 32 square meters. with a terrace and a panoramic view of the river.

Bathroom Hairdryer, Bathrobe, Toiletries, Toilet, Bathroom, Slippers, Shower cabin, Towels
Food Breakfast included - Continental
Multimedia and Internet Satellite TV, Free Wi-Fi, Flat-screen TV
Room amenities Minibar, Air Conditioning, Desktop table, Heating, Mosquito curtains
View / Outside area Terrace, River View, Courtyard view
Hotels . Hotel Suite Double №5.
Suite Double №5
2 beds
for the night
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Description of the room: Double area of ​​37 sq. M.

Hotels . Hotel Cottage 9-places .
Cottage 9-places
9 9 beds
for the night
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Description of the room: 2-storey house, with independent heating, the house has hot water, free Wi-Fi. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning and a flat-screen TV, furniture is made of natural wood, 3 rooms with their own bathroom and shower cabin, on the ground floor there is a living room and another bathroom and shower. There is a barbecue in the courtyard, a heated pool on the street. Near the house is the restaurant Kodatsky Kosh, where you can have a tasty meal and order a wood bath. 5 rooms, 9 beds

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Dnipro, Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str)
Overall rating of the hotel: Score by criteria: Categories of guests:
Based on 17 reviews
  • 'Cleanliness'
  • 'Comfort'
  • 'Price/quality'
  • 'Services'
  • 'Staff'
  • 9.6
  • 9.4
  • 9.5
  • 9.1
  • 9.6
  • All reviews (17)
  • Indefined (9)
  • Young couples (3)
  • Business trip (3)
  • Mature couples (2)

Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
27 of June 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Вже не перший раз у цьому готелі все супер,персонал привітний молодці, кухня все смачно, готель чисто,комфортно гарно,чисто все що потрібно для хорошого відпочинку.
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Зробив своїй коханій на річницю подружнього життя, подарунок. Забронював номер люкс, заказав вечерю та лазню. Вечір видався казковим. Лазня сподобалась, є ще маленький басейн з холодною водою, після баньки саме те👍 Вечерю нам накрили у залі де сіно, біля лазні, все було смачно. Приїдемо ще, все сподобалось
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Iryna T
15 of December 2023
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Зупинялась в цьому готелі на початку грудня. Нарешті дійшли руки написати відгук. Місце прикольне, незвичайне, зроблено у вигляді козацької фортеці, таке собі тематичне. Заказала вареники з ікрою та шашлик, все було смачно👍 Бронювала номер стандарт, такий собі звичайний номер, (хоча халати, як на мою думку, вже можна змінити, бо вони якісь наче тверді чи грубі). У цілому заклад прикольний і смачно готують. Підкуповує, що заклад знаходиться за містом.
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
11 of September 2023
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Сподобалося ГЕТЬ УСЕ-УСЕ❤️ Були з чоловіком вперше,але сто процентів не останній раз. Все на самому ВИЩОМУ РІВНІ🥰
Такого не має!!!!!!
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
25 of October 2019
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Young couples 2 of September 2019
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
9 10 8 9 9
Замечательное место, не тусовочное, для уединенного отдыха
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
28 of August 2019
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
9 9 9 10 9
Хорошее расположения отеля. Прекрасный номер. Все чисто и убрано. Жилось в нем комфортно. Персонал великолепный, замечаний к нему нет. Территория не очень большая. Зато здесь все идеально. Все продумано до мельчайших деталей. Она полностью ухоженная и облагорожена. Очень понравились различные террасы и верандочки, которые здесь есть. Можно принимать пищу в любой из них, каждый раз наслаждаясь новым, красивым пейзажем.
Бассейн небольшой и мало лежаков. В те дни, когда все номера заселены, нужно поторопиться и занять лежак. Если не успеете, останетесь ни с чем. Выбор завтрака небольшой.
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
10 of July 2019
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
26 of October 2017
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
9 9 10 9 10
Еда, пиво, оформление номеров.
WiFi, размещение отеля не очень удобное для командировок
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Young couples 11 of September 2017
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
8 8 7 7 7
Уютный номер и сытный завтрак
Гостиница не принимает гостей 24 часа в сутки,после полуночи попасть в гостиницу невозможно.
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Євген Сергійович
Business trip 10 of July 2017
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
9 10 9 10 10
Приветливый персонал.
Все понравилось
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Young couples 5 of July 2017
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Все понравилось. Кухня супер
Все супер
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Євген Сергійович
Business trip 31 of May 2017
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Просторные и чистые номера с видом на Днепр
Все понравилось
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Business trip 28 of December 2015
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 9 9
Место - восхитительное
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
23 of October 2015
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 5 10
Великолепное расположение отеля, отзывчивый персонал, чистые номера.
Небольшая проблема с завтраком (предложенного вечером завтрака утром не оказалось).
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Mature couples 8 of July 2015
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 8 10 9 10
Во время моей очередной поездки в Днепропетровск я снова останавливался в Кодацком Коше. Теперь интернет наладили и он был бесперебойно доступен из моего номера. В дальнейшем, если буду в Днепропетровске, снова с удовольствием остановлюсь в этой гостинице.
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh
Stari Kodaky village, Peremozhna Str, 14A (near Haharin Str) Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Mature couples 10 of April 2015
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 8 10 8 10
1. Радушный прием, индивидуальный подход. 2. Домашний уют и свое неповторимое лицо отеля. В целом - снова остановлюсь в этом отеле, если буду в Днепропетровске.
1. Интернет, заявленный в описании гостиницы, был доступен только из ресторана на первом этаже и не каждый день. 2. Отсутствие горячей воды по вечерам. 3. Не помешала бы занавеска на окне ванной комнаты с джакузи в люксе. Опять же - без горячей воды по вечерам она вроде как и не нужна :-)
  • Hotel services

    Bar, Internet, Parking, Washing house, Restaurant, Guarden, Room service, POS terminal, Billiards, Bathhouse, Bicycles for rent, Brazier, Open pool, Swimming pool for sauna, Street parking, Paid transfer, Terrace, Hot tub, Electric generator

    Quantity of rooms in hotel: 8

  • Hotel Policies

    These are general hotel policies, they may vary per room type; Please check the description of your room.
    Check in
    Check arrival: from 14:00 - 21:00 hours. Check leaving: to 06:00 - 12:00 hours.
    Reception opening hours
    09:00 - 21:00
    Children and extra beds
    Additional seats are not provided.
  • Information about nutrition

    On the territory of the hotel there is a restaurant of Ukrainian cuisine.
  • Distance to object:
    City center ~ 14.5км
  • Travel information

    There is a possibility to book a free transfer from / to the airport upon prior request.
  • Frequently asked Questions

    ⏰ What time is hotel Kodatskiy Kosh check-in and check-out?
    Check-in: from 14:00 - 21:00 hours. Check leaving: to 06:00 - 12:00 hours.
    More information about Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh.
    🏨 How many hotel Kodatskiy Kosh rooms?
    Total in hotel Kodatskiy Kosh 8 rooms.
    To get more information about the rooms and their availability, select the dates of the trip on the website.
    🍳 What services are available in Hotel Kodatskiy Kosh?
    For guests hotel Kodatskiy Kosh the following services are available (additional fees may be charged):
    • Bar
    • Internet
    • Parking
    • Washing house
    • Restaurant
    • Guarden
    • Room service
    • POS terminal
    • Billiards
    • Bathhouse
    • Bicycles for rent
    • Brazier
    • Open pool
    • Swimming pool for sauna
    • Street parking
    • Paid transfer
    • Terrace
    • Hot tub
    • Electric generator
    💵 How much it costs to stay in hotel Kodatskiy Kosh?
    Accommodation prices in hotel Kodatskiy Kosh start from 2850 UAH. To see the exact prices, enter the dates of your trip on the website
    🛏️ What rooms are available for booking in hotel Kodatskiy Kosh?
    In hotel Kodatskiy Kosh are available for booking:
    • Standard Double №1
    • Standard Double №4
    • Standard Double with balcony No. 3
    • De luxe Double with balcony #2
    • De luxe Double №8
    • De luxe Double № 6
    • Junior suite Double with terrace No. 7
    • Suite Double №5
    • Cottage 9-places
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