Hostel Dobry
Now 5 users are browsing this hotel
Hotel "Dobry" is located in a quiet area of the city center. The rooms are equipped with two-tiered capsule beds with comfortable orthopedic mattresses and winter-summer air conditioners. For the convenience of guests, free high-speed Internet, video surveillance, washing machines, an iron with a steam generator, parking, delicious Ukrainian cuisine. There is a common bathroom on each floor, a shower with hot water. Dry cleaning and ironing of bed linen is carried out in a dry cleaner using Austrian powders and rinses. The hotel has a good transport connection, the railway station and the bus station are 2.5 km or a 15-minute walk away.

Select dates of stay to see prices and rooms:
Hotels . Hotel Bed in Mixed Dormitory 10-bed room №203.
Bed in Mixed Dormitory 10-bed room №203
10 10 beds
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Common bathroom, Toiletries, Toilet, Common toilet, Washbasin
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating, Mosquito curtains, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area City view
Hotels . Hotel Bed in Mixed Dormitory 8-bed room №103.
Bed in Mixed Dormitory 8-bed room №103
8 8 beds
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Common bathroom, Toiletries, Toilet, Common toilet, Washbasin, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating, Mosquito curtains, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area Courtyard view
Hotels . Hotel Bed in Male Dormitory 6-bed room №101.
Bed in Male Dormitory 6-bed room №101
6 6 beds
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Common bathroom, Toiletries, Toilet, Common toilet, Washbasin, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating, Mosquito curtains, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area Courtyard view
Hotels . Hotel Bed in Mixed Dormitory 6-bed room №201.
Bed in Mixed Dormitory 6-bed room №201
6 6 beds
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Common bathroom, Toiletries, Toilet, Common toilet, Washbasin
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating, Mosquito curtains, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area City view, Courtyard view
Hotels . Hotel Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №104.
Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №104
4 beds
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Common bathroom, Toiletries, Toilet, Common toilet, Washbasin, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating, Mosquito curtains, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area Courtyard view
Hotels . Hotel Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №105.
Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №105
4 beds
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Common bathroom, Toiletries, Toilet, Common toilet, Washbasin, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating, Mosquito curtains, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area Courtyard view
Hotels . Hotel Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №102.
Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №102
4 beds
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Common bathroom, Toiletries, Toilet, Common toilet, Washbasin, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating, Mosquito curtains, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area Courtyard view
Hotels . Hotel Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №106.
Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №106
4 beds
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Common bathroom, Toiletries, Toilet, Common toilet, Washbasin
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating, Mosquito curtains, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area City view, Courtyard view
Hotels . Hotel Bed in Female Dormitory quadruple room 205.
Bed in Female Dormitory quadruple room 205
4 beds
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Common bathroom, Toiletries, Toilet, Common toilet, Washbasin, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating, Mosquito curtains, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area City view, Courtyard view
Hotels . Hotel Bed in Female Dormitory quadruple room 206.
Bed in Female Dormitory quadruple room 206
4 beds
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Common bathroom, Toiletries, Toilet, Common toilet, Washbasin, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating, Mosquito curtains, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area City view, Courtyard view
Hotels . Hotel Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №202.
Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №202
4 beds
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Common bathroom, Toiletries, Toilet, Common toilet, Washbasin
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating, Mosquito curtains, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area City view, Courtyard view
Hotels . Hotel Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №204.
Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №204
4 beds
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Common bathroom, Toiletries, Toilet, Common toilet, Washbasin
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating, Mosquito curtains, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area City view, Courtyard view
Ask for a price

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Free hotel booking
Dnipro, Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54
Overall rating of the hotel: Score by criteria: Categories of guests:
Based on 16 reviews
  • 'Cleanliness'
  • 'Comfort'
  • 'Price/quality'
  • 'Services'
  • 'Staff'
  • 9.6
  • 9.6
  • 9.8
  • 9.6
  • 9.6
  • All reviews (16)
  • Mature couples (1)
  • Indefined (13)
  • Business trip (2)

Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Mature couples 3 of July 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Ищешь суточно? Попробуй Заселиться в хостел "Добрый". Он на Чкалова - Серова. Современный, чистый, новый. Здесь в два яруса кровати. На матрасах мягких спать Вам. Душевая есть. Прекрасно. Душ просторный, Перваклассный. В каждом номере кондеры. Охладят вас очень скоро. Хостел "ДОБРЫЙ"- Просто чудо. Всем советовать я буду. 03.07.24
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
27 of June 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
8 8 10 8 8
Все чудово.
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Yuriy Fusco
25 of June 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Ставлю 5 не дивлячись на те що ідуть роботи по прилеглій території так як все на 10 ку ціна якість а люде далі працюють для покращення умов і це тішить . Дуже круто що є своє кафе / їдальня з смачною кухнею , адекватними цінами. Молодці .
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
5 of June 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
6 6 6 6 6
Хороший хостел , нормальні ціни , щирі та добродушні працівники. Нагодували дали відпочити. Як для військового мені сподобалось, нічого зайвого те , що треба.
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
tabula rasa
5 of June 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Знайшов випадково буквально за годину до початку комендантської. Стиль, обладнання, атмосфера, чистота та сервіс приємно вразили. Сміливо раджу всім хто вагається або не знає де зупинитися. Єдине що, трохи круті сходи на другий поверх і шкода, що вони не обшиті деревом, так було б безпечніше. А в усьому іншому тільки +.
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
23 of May 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Сподобалося все супер
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Юра Кравченко
16 of May 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Все чудово а головне чисто
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Alex K
10 of May 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Приємно вражений! Дуже атмосферно, свіжий ремонт, гостинні робітники. Окремо про ресторан - не менше цікаво та смачно! Бажаю успіхів і так тримати.
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Business trip 7 of May 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Чистота, комфорт, бар, обслуживание
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
7 of May 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Привітність персоналу,та культура поведінки жильців хостелу
мало часу перебував в хостелі
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Це мабуть найкращий хостел у Дніпрі по всіх параметрах. Особливо сподобалось те що тут є особистий простір, ліжка зі шторками тому відчуття що в окремій кімнаті і присутність інших людей не створює жодного дискомфорту. Є власна кухня де готують дуже смачно і найсмачніша кава з усього що я встигла спробувати в Україні. В усьому максимальний комфорт. Рекомендую усім кому треба десь відпочити за адекватну ціну і з комфортом.
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
26 of February 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Нормально все.
Все было отлично.
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Business trip 19 of February 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 9 10 9 10
Хороший персонал
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Emilia Muzej
12 of December 2023
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Довелося майже тиждень пожити в хостелі, від перебування залишилися тільки позитивні враження. Зручне розташування, чудовий дизайн інтер‘єру, якісна сантехніка, доброзичливий і ввічливий персонал, чисто, охайно і затишно. Впевнено рекомендую цей хостел і оцінюю роботу адміністрації на відмінно.
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Лера Гойденко
25 of October 2023
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Чудовий хостел!!! Без тарганів, в стилі лофт дизайн, професійна кухня, класні чисті душові-туалетні кімнати, тераса, парковка. Тільки приємні емоції.
Hostel Dobry, Dnipro: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel Dobry
Svyatoslava khorobroho, 54 Dnipro 067 510-15-04
Ирина Ирина
25 of October 2023
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Перебування у хостелі "Добрий" назавжди змінить ваше негативне відношення до бюджетного відпочинку! Вишуканий дизайн, ідеальна чистота, зручності, продумані до дрібниць, безпека, дуже ввічливий та дбайливий персонал - так ми зустрічаємо гостей у Дніпрі! Вартість за одну людину від 280 до 400 грн за добу.
  • Hotel services

    Internet, Parking, Washing house, Restaurant, Guarden, POS terminal, Brazier, Coffee house on site, Secured parking, Street parking, Terrace, Ironing Service, Daily maid service, Staff speaks English, Hotel on request, Canteen, Contactless check-in

    Quantity of rooms in hotel: 12

  • Hotel Policies

    These are general hotel policies, they may vary per room type; Please check the description of your room.
    Check in
    Check arrival: from 12:00 - 22:00 hours. Check leaving: to 05:00 - 12:00 hours.
    Reception opening hours
    Children and extra beds
    Children are placed at the usual rate
  • Information about nutrition

    A professional chef works on the hotel premises, you can enjoy delicious Ukrainian dishes.
  • Distance to object:
    Bus stations ~ 2.5км
    Railway stations ~ 2.5км
  • Travel information

    Svyatoslav Khorobry (Chkalov) Street, 54. This is the corner of Svyatoslav Khorobry (Chkalov) Street and Andrei Fabr Street. Right bank. Tram - 5, 7, 12. Trolleybuses - 1, 4, 5, ring A. Buses - 146B, 216. Minibuses - 40, 109, 113, 118.
  • Frequently asked Questions

    ⏰ What time is hostel Dobry check-in and check-out?
    Check-in: from 12:00 - 22:00 hours. Check leaving: to 05:00 - 12:00 hours.
    More information about Hostel Dobry.
    🏨 How many hostel Dobry rooms?
    Total in hostel Dobry 12 rooms.
    To get more information about the rooms and their availability, select the dates of the trip on the website.
    🍳 What services are available in Hostel Dobry?
    For guests hostel Dobry the following services are available (additional fees may be charged):
    • Internet
    • Parking
    • Washing house
    • Restaurant
    • Guarden
    • POS terminal
    • Brazier
    • Coffee house on site
    • Secured parking
    • Street parking
    • Terrace
    • Ironing Service
    • Daily maid service
    • Staff speaks English
    • Hotel on request
    • Canteen
    • Contactless check-in
    💵 How much it costs to stay in hostel Dobry?
    Accommodation prices in hostel Dobry start from 280 UAH. To see the exact prices, enter the dates of your trip on the website
    🛏️ What rooms are available for booking in hostel Dobry?
    In hostel Dobry are available for booking:
    • Bed in Mixed Dormitory 10-bed room №203
    • Bed in Mixed Dormitory 8-bed room №103
    • Bed in Male Dormitory 6-bed room №101
    • Bed in Mixed Dormitory 6-bed room №201
    • Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №104
    • Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №105
    • Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №102
    • Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №106
    • Bed in Female Dormitory quadruple room 205
    • Bed in Female Dormitory quadruple room 206
    • Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №202
    • Bed in Male Dormitory quadruple room №204
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