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Private estate Serce Karpat
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The private estate "Heart of the Carpathians" is located in the village of Skole, Lviv Region, 500 meters from the Opir River. There are two houses on the territory of the manor. A house for 4 people with a maximum accommodation of up to 6 people is available for guests. The house has a kitchen for self-catering, a bathroom. There is a large terrace. In the second building, 3 double rooms are offered for accommodation, which are located on the second floor. There is also a bathroom on the second floor. On the ground floor there is a shared kitchen for cooking and a living room. There is a terrace for relaxation. The buildings are surrounded by a green area, there is an outdoor frame pool with a diameter of 4.6 meters (open in summer), a fountain (use for an additional fee). Laundry services for a fee. The distance from the private estate "Heart of the Carpathians" to the bus station in Skole is 200 meters, to the railway station - 250 meters.

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Hotels . Hotel Cottage Quadruple (4+2) house.
Cottage Quadruple (4+2) house
4 beds
! Prepayment is required
for the night
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Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Toiletries, Toilet, Bathroom, Washbasin, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Cable TV, Free Wi-Fi, Flat-screen TV
Room amenities Electric kettle, Refrigerator, Microwave, Heating, Kitchen in a room, Gas / electric oven, Kitchenware
View / Outside area Terrace
Hotels . Hotel Cottage 6-places 6+2.
Cottage 6-places 6+2
6 6 beds
! Prepayment is required
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Toilet, Bathroom, Washbasin
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi, Flat-screen TV
Room amenities Desktop table, Heating, Wardrobe, Clothes hanger, Separate entrance to the room, Dinner Zone
Hotels . Hotel Cottage Double A-frame +2.
Cottage Double A-frame +2
2 beds
! Prepayment is required
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Toiletries, Toilet, Bathroom, Washbasin
Multimedia and Internet TV, Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Electric kettle, Refrigerator, Heating, Kitchen in a room, Gas / electric oven, Kitchenware, Wardrobe, Separate entrance to the room, Dinner Zone
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Skole, Grushevs'kogo, 2
Overall rating of the hotel: Score by criteria: Categories of guests:
Based on 8 reviews
  • 'Cleanliness'
  • 'Comfort'
  • 'Price/quality'
  • 'Services'
  • 'Staff'
  • 9.8
  • 9.8
  • 9.8
  • 9.8
  • 9.8
  • All reviews (8)
  • Indefined (8)

Private estate Serce Karpat, Skole: photo, prices, reviews
Private estate Serce Karpat
Grushevs'kogo, 2 Skole 067 510-15-04
Альона Флорова
18 of July 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Пані Тамара, хочу щиро подякувати Вам за Вашу гостинність! Мені дуже шкода, що довелося поїхати скорше. Дякую, що Ви з розумінням до цього поставились. У Вас дуже затишно та комфортно. Видно, що Ви з любов'ю ставитеся до прийому гостей. Незважаючи на те, що приїжджають різні люди, Ви залишаєтесь доброзичливою, позитивною та привітною! Дякую Вам за це! Не сумнівайтеся, що це цінно в очах не тільки людей, але й Бога. Ви слідуєте словам, записаним в Біблії: "Тож усе, що хочете, аби робили вам люди, те робіть їм і ви" (Матвія 7:12). Бажаю Вам більше вдячних гостей!
Private estate Serce Karpat, Skole: photo, prices, reviews
Private estate Serce Karpat
Grushevs'kogo, 2 Skole 067 510-15-04
Сергей Сергей
23 of April 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Очень добродушная хозяйка. Уютные комнаты,теплые. Хорошая атмосфера. Есть хорошая кухня. Шикарная гостиная Есть небольшая площадка для детей Альтанка для компании Мангал Вообще чувствовали себя как дома СУПЕР Дуже файна жіночка,дякуємо вам,за гарну відпустку
Private estate Serce Karpat, Skole: photo, prices, reviews
Private estate Serce Karpat
Grushevs'kogo, 2 Skole 067 510-15-04
Лада Донець
14 of April 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Дуже гарне розташування: біля річки і близько до жд вокзалу, у мене був номер з балконом - вид просто вау! привітна господарка Тамара, все чистенько, все сподобалось
Private estate Serce Karpat, Skole: photo, prices, reviews
Private estate Serce Karpat
Grushevs'kogo, 2 Skole 067 510-15-04
Dmytro Didyk
28 of November 2023
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Чудове розташування, гарний будинок і сад. Дуже смачні обіди.
Private estate Serce Karpat, Skole: photo, prices, reviews
Private estate Serce Karpat
Grushevs'kogo, 2 Skole 067 510-15-04
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Дуже дякуємо за чудовий відпочинок! Та допомогу!
Private estate Serce Karpat, Skole: photo, prices, reviews
Private estate Serce Karpat
Grushevs'kogo, 2 Skole 067 510-15-04
Ao Ea
4 of January 2021
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
8 8 8 8 8
Файна гостинна хазяйка. Можна готувати самому або замовити якусь страву заздалегідь. Є простора їдальня, що доволі зручно, коли відпочиваєш компанією. Поруч площа та магазин. Трохи пройтись - мінеральні води. Декілька хвилин від траси. З вікна вид на гори (і сусідні колоритні будинки)
Private estate Serce Karpat, Skole: photo, prices, reviews
Private estate Serce Karpat
Grushevs'kogo, 2 Skole 067 510-15-04
Vik F
9 of May 2019
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Господиня дуже слідкує за будинком і номерами. І це прекрасно. Почуваєшся як у гостях у добрих друзів. На поверсі одна душова та туалет, що створює черги, якщо у всіх номерах проживають люди. Але! За таку ціну та сервіс ця незручність стає дрібницею. Дякую, пані Тамаро, за гостинність. Ви чудова :)
Private estate Serce Karpat, Skole: photo, prices, reviews
Private estate Serce Karpat
Grushevs'kogo, 2 Skole 067 510-15-04
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Гарна затишна садиба, чудові номери. Привітна і турботлива господиня, слідкує за чистотою. В будинку все є! Гарне розташування.
  • Hotel services

    Internet, Washing house, Guarden, Vat, Brazier, Barbecue Accessories, Open pool, Sunbeds / beach chairs, Street parking, Place for a picnic, Children playground, Gazebos

    Quantity of rooms in hotel: 3

  • Hotel Policies

    These are general hotel policies, they may vary per room type; Please check the description of your room.
    Check in
    Check arrival: from 14:00 - 22:00 hours. Check leaving: to 08:00 - 11:00 hours.
    Reception opening hours
    08:00 - 22:00
    Children and extra beds
    Check the availability and cost of extra seats when booking.
  • Information about nutrition

    The houses have a kitchen for self-cooking. There is a cafe 100 meters away, where guests can eat à la carte, and there is also a supermarket nearby (10-minute walk).
  • Distance to object:
    Bus stations Skole ~ 200м
    Railway stations Skole ~ 250м
    Beaches Skole ~ 500м
  • Travel information

    Public transport in st. Skole suburban and international rail traffic; by fixed-route taxi from Lviv, the city of Stryi to Skole station. By car: highway Kyiv-Chop M-06/E50.
  • Frequently asked Questions

    ⏰ What time is private estate Serce Karpat check-in and check-out?
    Check-in: from 14:00 - 22:00 hours. Check leaving: to 08:00 - 11:00 hours.
    More information about Private estate Serce Karpat.
    🏨 How many private estate Serce Karpat rooms?
    Total in private estate Serce Karpat 3 rooms.
    To get more information about the rooms and their availability, select the dates of the trip on the website.
    🍳 What services are available in Private estate Serce Karpat?
    For guests private estate Serce Karpat the following services are available (additional fees may be charged):
    • Internet
    • Washing house
    • Guarden
    • Vat
    • Brazier
    • Barbecue Accessories
    • Open pool
    • Sunbeds / beach chairs
    • Street parking
    • Place for a picnic
    • Children playground
    • Gazebos
    💵 How much it costs to stay in private estate Serce Karpat?
    Accommodation prices in private estate Serce Karpat start from 1800 UAH. To see the exact prices, enter the dates of your trip on the website Hotels24.ua.
    🛏️ What rooms are available for booking in private estate Serce Karpat?
    In private estate Serce Karpat are available for booking:
    • Cottage Quadruple (4+2) house
    • Cottage 6-places 6+2
    • Cottage Double A-frame +2
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