Hotel Profspilkovyi
Now 6 users are browsing this hotel
Hotel "Profsouznaya" is located in the center of Vinnitsa near the Gorky park. The seven-story building is equipped with an elevator. Hotel offers single and double rooms of economy class. Each room has a TV, fridge and private bathroom. There is a spacious room for up to 350 people for business events. The small cafe is located on the 3rd floor of the hotel, and on the first floor - dining room. There is a grocery store and a parking. Hotel "Profsouznaya" is 2.9 km from the central bus station, 4.5 km from the railway station, 2.7 km from the light and music fountain "Roshen". Airport "Vinnitsa" in Gavrishovka is located 8 km from the hotel.

Select dates of stay to see prices and rooms:
Hotels . Hotel Standard Single .
Standard Single
1 bed
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Description of the room: One room with a single bed. The room has a TV, refrigerator, separate bathroom.

Bathroom Toilet, Bathroom, Washbasin, Shower cabin, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi, Flat-screen TV
Room amenities Refrigerator, Heating, Wardrobe, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area Balcony
Hotels . Hotel Standard Double Twin.
Standard Double Twin
2 beds
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Description of the room: One-room double room with two separate beds. The room has a separate bathroom, refrigerator, TV. It is possible to order 1 bed (with the population). Hot water supply according to schedule.

Bathroom Toilet, Bathroom, Washbasin, Shower cabin, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi, Flat-screen TV
Room amenities Refrigerator, Heating, Wardrobe, Clothes hanger
View / Outside area Balcony
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Vinnytsia, Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2
Overall rating of the hotel: Score by criteria: Categories of guests:
Based on 24 reviews
  • 'Cleanliness'
  • 'Comfort'
  • 'Price/quality'
  • 'Services'
  • 'Staff'
  • 8.7
  • 8
  • 8.4
  • 8.7
  • 8.8
  • All reviews (24)
  • Single travelers (2)
  • Indefined (16)
  • Families with older children (1)
  • Business trip (3)
  • Group of friends (1)
  • Young couples (1)

Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
Single travelers 20 of June 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Все дуже добре.
Все добре.
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Номера топ витримують 4 пацанів на изи номера туалет просто параша кімнати вобще кайф жити можна інтерйер тоже класно персонал добрий при добрий приїхайте готель просто імба
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
17 of July 2023
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
9 9 9 9 9
Сподобалось все
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
Families with older children 27 of March 2022
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
Вадим Блат
20 of February 2022
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Приятно удивил меня этот отель, ремонтик свежий, чисто, уютно. Цены приятные, персонал вежливый. Горячая вода, wifi, есть не дорогая и вкусная столовая. В общем я остался доволен, обязательно остановлюсь ещё .
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
Лариса Рушенко
22 of October 2021
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Я так розумію, що в цьому готелі є різні номери. Там, де зроблено ремонт, все чудово: чисто, красиво, комфортного. Ми були у двомісному номері на 5 поверсі. Санвузол повністю облаштований усім необхідним: умивальник із дзеркалом, само собою унітаз, душова кабінка і звісно є бойлер. Тому гаряча вода була. В кімнаті є холодильник і, чому ми ще зраділи, крім гарячої води, це камін, яким ми звісно підігрівали кімнату. Ліжка, білизна, матраци - все дуже пристойно. В нашому # 510 совдепом і не смерділо.
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
Valentina Kondyra
5 of October 2021
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
8 8 8 8 8
Номер чистий, відремонтований, меблі і ліжко нові! Приємний обслуговуючий персонал! Особисто хочеться подякувати директору Світлані, яка вкладає душу для покращення закладу!!!
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
3 of June 2021
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Велике спасибі Вам за допомогу та професійну роботу!!! Номер сподобався і комфортом і адекватною ціною. При нагоді буду і в подальшому користуватись Вашими послугами та рекомендувати своїм друзям та знайомим! Бажаю Вам успіхів та приємних та ввічливих клієнтів!!!
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
18 of September 2019
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Спасибо за уютный и чистий номер, мне очень понравилось, буду рекомендовать ваш отель всем
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
18 of April 2019
Comfort Price/quality
5 7
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
31 of December 2018
Comfort Price/quality
7 10
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
1 of September 2018
Comfort Price/quality
3 4
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
18 of June 2018
Comfort Price/quality
3 4
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
15 of June 2018
Comfort Price/quality
7 10
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
25 of April 2018
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 9 10
Очень внимательный персонал. Номер уютный светлый чистый все хорошо.
Проблемы с горячей водой.
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
Business trip 18 of January 2018
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Staff
4 5 8 3
Если честно ничего
Очень холодный номер. Грязь в душе
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
Group of friends 9 of October 2017
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
7 8 10 7 8
Привітний персонал, доволі зручний номер, чисто. За ціну гуртожитку отримали готель. Парковка на ніч замикається.
В коридорах пахне цигарковим димом.
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
Young couples 29 of June 2017
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
8 8 10 5 5
Низькі ціни
Гаряча вода не цілодобово, двері в номері без клямок
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
19 of June 2017
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
7 5 5 5 10
Соответствует цена-качество!
Нет освещения к подъезду гостиницы,очень темно и страшно было идти в 11 часов вечера женщине
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
19 of May 2017
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
8 8 7 8 10
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
Business trip 11 of April 2016
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
8 8 10 8 9
Соотношение цена-качество. Просто и со вкусом.
Да в принципе нет такого,единственное что вода по графику и не всегда попадаешь.
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
Business trip 10 of October 2015
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
9 9 9 9 10
Понравилось обслуживание, приветливый и толковый персонал. У нас было раннее поселение до 6 утра, нас приняли, поселили.
Горячая вода по расписанию 1 час утром и 1 час вечером
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
Single travelers 15 of June 2015
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Staff
9 8 5 6
Тихо, комфортно,чисто.
Отсутствие душевой кабины, и даже шторки!!!
Hotel Profspilkovyi, Vinnytsia: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Profspilkovyi
Khmel'nyts'ke shose, 2 Vinnytsia 067 510-15-04
11 of November 2014
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
9 10 6 10 10
Ну готель достатньо комфортний.... всі умови є
Немає гарячої води ... але це нічого... І ще ціна, дорого, але для Вінниці це впринципі нормально)
  • Hotel services

    Conference hall, Shops, Parking, Washing house, Room service, POS terminal, Coffee house on site, Secured parking, Safe at the reception, Ironing Service, Daily maid service, Canteen, Elevator, Shelter in a hotel

    Quantity of rooms in hotel: 73

  • Hotel Policies

    These are general hotel policies, they may vary per room type; Please check the description of your room.
    Check in
    Check arrival: from 12:00 - 24:00 hours. Check leaving: to 09:00 - 12:00 hours.
    Reception opening hours
    Children and extra beds
    Extra beds are not provided.
  • Information about nutrition

    On the 3rd floor of the hotel there is a small cafe, and on the ground floor there is a dining room.
  • Distance to object:
    City center Maydan Nezavisimosti ~ 1.4км
    Bus stations Central'niy ~ 2.9км
    Railway stations Central'niy ~ 4.5км
    Airports Gavrishovka ~ 13.6км
    Фонтаны Roshen ~ 3.2км
  • Travel information

    You can reach the hotel from the train station by tram №4 (or minibus №23А) to the stop "Pervomaiskaya street" (11stops, 25 minutes). The hotel is 100 meters from the stop. You can reach the hotel from the bus station by minibus №17А to the stop "Pervomaiskaya street".
  • Frequently asked Questions

    ⏰ What time is hotel Profspilkovyi check-in and check-out?
    Check-in: from 12:00 - 24:00 hours. Check leaving: to 09:00 - 12:00 hours.
    More information about Hotel Profspilkovyi.
    🏨 How many hotel Profspilkovyi rooms?
    Total in hotel Profspilkovyi 73 rooms.
    To get more information about the rooms and their availability, select the dates of the trip on the website.
    🍳 What services are available in Hotel Profspilkovyi?
    For guests hotel Profspilkovyi the following services are available (additional fees may be charged):
    • Conference hall
    • Shops
    • Parking
    • Washing house
    • Room service
    • POS terminal
    • Coffee house on site
    • Secured parking
    • Safe at the reception
    • Ironing Service
    • Daily maid service
    • Canteen
    • Elevator
    • Shelter in a hotel
    💵 How much it costs to stay in hotel Profspilkovyi?
    Accommodation prices in hotel Profspilkovyi start from 810 UAH. To see the exact prices, enter the dates of your trip on the website
    🛏️ What rooms are available for booking in hotel Profspilkovyi?
    In hotel Profspilkovyi are available for booking:
    • Standard Single
    • Standard Double Twin
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