Hostel M1
Now 7 users are browsing this hotel
Hostel M1 is located in Kyiv, 400 meters from St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery and 700 meters from Maidan Nezalezhnosti Metro Station. Good transport interchange allows you to easily get to any part of the city. It offers air-conditioned rooms with a shared bathroom, each bed is equipped with a socket. All rooms are well furnished and offer free Wi-Fi access. Hostel M1 has a fully equipped kitchen for self-catering. The hostel is 1 km from Khreshchatyk Metro Station, 3.3 km from Olimpiyskiy Stadium and 3.6 km from Kyiv Train Station. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv International Airport is 10 km away.

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Kyiv, Mihaylivs'ka, 24/11
Overall rating of the hotel: Score by criteria: Categories of guests:
Based on 6 reviews
  • 'Cleanliness'
  • 'Comfort'
  • 'Price/quality'
  • 'Services'
  • 'Staff'
  • 8.7
  • 8.7
  • 8.7
  • 8.7
  • 8.7
  • All reviews (6)
  • Indefined (6)

Hostel M1, Kyiv: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel M1
Mihaylivs'ka, 24/11 Kyiv 067 510-15-04
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
2 2 2 2 2
Умови - жах! На жаль, ціна не відповідає якості. Заселення вчасно не відбулося. В кімнаті було не прибрано після ішних жителів: стояв смітник із памперсом в кімнаті, брудні постіль та рушники. Адміністрація запропонувала взяти самим постіль в комірці покоївки та привести кімнату до ладу, аргументуючи це тим, що покоївка не встигла прибрати або повернуть кошти. На кухні посуд брудний із залишками їжі. На 4 кімнати цього притулку для бомжів було лише 4 чашки, тож доведеться почекати, щоб зранку випити чаю. В душі тхнуло сирістю, а завіса та стіни з добрячою цвіллю. Категорично не рекомендую!
Hostel M1, Kyiv: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel M1
Mihaylivs'ka, 24/11 Kyiv 067 510-15-04
Vitaliya Ryabchuk
29 of May 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Класне місце, сподобалось все. Рекомендую
Hostel M1, Kyiv: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel M1
Mihaylivs'ka, 24/11 Kyiv 067 510-15-04
29 of May 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
класюча кімната, чиста. все сподобалось, тихо, заїду ще раз)
Hostel M1, Kyiv: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel M1
Mihaylivs'ka, 24/11 Kyiv 067 510-15-04
29 of May 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
неймовірна кімната, чиста, була там дуже сподобалось, раджу завітати!
Hostel M1, Kyiv: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel M1
Mihaylivs'ka, 24/11 Kyiv 067 510-15-04
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
прекрасна кімната для відпочинку, дякую за таку гостиність, РЕКОМЕНДУЮ))
Hostel M1, Kyiv: photo, prices, reviews
Hostel M1
Mihaylivs'ka, 24/11 Kyiv 067 510-15-04
Настя Коваль
29 of May 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Неймовірна локація для відпочинку, та перезавантажитися для себе, рекомендую всім побувати)
  • Hotel services

    Internet, Washing house, Ironing Service, Staff speaks English

    Quantity of rooms in hotel: 4

  • Hotel Policies

    These are general hotel policies, they may vary per room type; Please check the description of your room.
    Check in
    Check arrival: from 14:00 - 16:00 hours. Check leaving: to 10:00 - 11:00 hours.
    Reception opening hours
    00:00 - 00:00
    Children and extra beds
    Children under the age of 3 stay for free, without an additional place.
  • Information about nutrition

    There is a kitchen for self-catering.
  • Distance to object:
    City center Maydan Nezalejnosti ~ 150м
    Railway stations Central'niy ~ 3.6км
    Subway Maydan Nezalejnosti ~ 150м
    Attractions Mihaylivs'kiy sobor ~ 50м
  • Travel information

    You can reach the hostel by metro, as well as by trolleybus 6,16,18 and also by funicular from Postal Square.
  • Frequently asked Questions

    ⏰ What time is hostel M1 check-in and check-out?
    Check-in: from 14:00 - 16:00 hours. Check leaving: to 10:00 - 11:00 hours.
    More information about Hostel M1.
    🏨 How many hostel M1 rooms?
    Total in hostel M1 4 rooms.
    To get more information about the rooms and their availability, select the dates of the trip on the website.
    🍳 What services are available in Hostel M1?
    For guests hostel M1 the following services are available (additional fees may be charged):
    • Internet
    • Washing house
    • Ironing Service
    • Staff speaks English
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