Hunting Manor Cottage is located in Lumshory. 17 km from the Perechin-Svalyava highway, 1.5 km to waterfalls. The distance to the village of Polyana is 49 km, to Uzhgorod - 46... →
Hotel "Zelena Sadyba" is located in the village of Turichky, 40 km from the city of Uzhhorod. We offer cozy rooms with a view of the mountains, which are equipped with... →
Private estate "Above the stream" is located in the resort village of Lumshory, 12 km from the Runa ski lift. Guests are offered accommodation in cottages, as well as in... →
The private estate "U Sergey" is located on the slope of the mountain, 500 meters from the main road, from where you can see a beautiful view of Polonin Runa and the gorge.... →
Private two-storey house "Myron" with an asphalted entrance, is located in the village of Lumshory and is designed for 8-14 seats. The first floor of the house consists of 2... →