Hotel SameToy
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Hotel "SameToy" is located 1.5 km from the city center. 12 rooms with amenities are available. There are single, double, triple rooms with separate beds. The rooms are equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay. Each room has air conditioning, TV, hairdryer, towels, shower and toilet. There is parking and free internet on the territory. There is a gastro-pub on the first floor of the hotel. You can order breakfast from the menu. The distance from the "SameToy" hotel to the railway station is 3.5 km, to the bus station - 3.5 km.

Select dates of stay to see prices and rooms:
Hotels . Hotel Economy Double .
Economy Double
2 beds
! Prepayment is required
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Description of the room: Single occupancy is possible at a lower rate.

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Toilet, Bathroom, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi, Flat-screen TV
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating
Hotels . Hotel Standard Single .
Standard Single
1 bed
! Prepayment is required
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Description of the room: Single occupancy is possible at a lower rate.

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Toilet, Bathroom, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi, Flat-screen TV
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating
Hotels . Hotel Standard Double .
Standard Double
2 beds
! Prepayment is required
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Description of the room: Single occupancy is possible at a lower rate.

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Toilet, Bathroom, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi, Flat-screen TV
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating
Hotels . Hotel Standard Triple .
Standard Triple
3 beds
! Prepayment is required
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Toilet, Bathroom, Towels
Multimedia and Internet Free Wi-Fi, Flat-screen TV
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Heating
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Mukachevo, rosvygivska, 2а
Overall rating of the hotel: Score by criteria: Categories of guests:
Based on 2 reviews
  • 'Cleanliness'
  • 'Comfort'
  • 'Price/quality'
  • 'Services'
  • 'Staff'
  • 10
  • 9.5
  • 8
  • 7.5
  • 10
  • All reviews (2)
  • Indefined (1)
  • Single travelers (1)

Hotel SameToy, Mukachevo: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel SameToy
rosvygivska, 2а Mukachevo 067 510-15-04
Наталя Ткачик
24 of July 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Сьогодні зупинилась в цьому готелі, сервіс чудовий. Пані яка заселяє в номер ввічлива і комунікабельна. Номер відповідає тому що заявлено на сайті, є кондиціонер, вай фай, і все те що потрібно для комфортного проживання. Заклад який знаходиться на першому поверсі дуже гарний з чудовою терасою і прекрасним персоналом. На майбутнє ще раз повернусь в цей готель, і рекомендую
Hotel SameToy, Mukachevo: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel SameToy
rosvygivska, 2а Mukachevo 067 510-15-04
Single travelers 7 of July 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 9 6 5 10
Доброго дня. Персонал - чудові дівчата, привітливі та готові підказати, порадити. Соподобався чистий номер та чиста, свіжа білизна (заслуга персоналу)
В номері не працював фен, В наявності одна розетка під телевизор, поруч з ліжком жодної (в номері 3 ліжка). В отелі можна взяти праску, але при використанні вона тече, одяг не попрасувала, а намочила. Номер потребує косметичнго ремонту, а саме пофарбувати (освіжити)стіни, та при вході трохи полущилась фарба. Притензії тільки до власника, треба вкладувати гроші в сервіс. Невеликі помилки, недоробки псують враження від відпочинку в чудовому місті. 1000 ГРН. ЗА ДОБУ ВАРТІСТЬ НОМЕРУ ВЛАШТОВУЄ, ЯКЩО НЕМАЄ ЗАВУВЖЕНЬ, А ТАК... ПИТАНННЯ- ЧИ ВАРТИЙ ВІН СТІЛЬКИ НАСПРАВДІ.
  • Hotel services

    Bar, Internet, Parking, Washing house, Restaurant, Pets are allowed, POS terminal, Street parking, Terrace, Fridge, Electric kettle, Electric generator

    Quantity of rooms in hotel: 12

  • Hotel Policies

    These are general hotel policies, they may vary per room type; Please check the description of your room.
    Check in
    Check arrival: from 12:00 - 00:00 hours. Check leaving: to 08:00 - 11:00 hours.
    Reception opening hours
    Children and extra beds
    Specify when booking.
  • Information about nutrition

    There is a gastro pub on the ground floor. You can order a breakfast menu.
  • Distance to object:
    City center ~ 1.5км
    Bus stations ~ 3.5км
    Railway stations ~ 3.5км
  • Travel information

    By shuttle taxi from the bus station, stop "Ulytsa Rosvygovskaya".
  • Frequently asked Questions

    ⏰ What time is hotel SameToy check-in and check-out?
    Check-in: from 12:00 - 00:00 hours. Check leaving: to 08:00 - 11:00 hours.
    More information about Hotel SameToy.
    🏨 How many hotel SameToy rooms?
    Total in hotel SameToy 12 rooms.
    To get more information about the rooms and their availability, select the dates of the trip on the website.
    🍳 What services are available in Hotel SameToy?
    For guests hotel SameToy the following services are available (additional fees may be charged):
    • Bar
    • Internet
    • Parking
    • Washing house
    • Restaurant
    • Pets are allowed
    • POS terminal
    • Street parking
    • Terrace
    • Fridge
    • Electric kettle
    • Electric generator
    💵 How much it costs to stay in hotel SameToy?
    Accommodation prices in hotel SameToy start from 1000 UAH. To see the exact prices, enter the dates of your trip on the website
    🛏️ What rooms are available for booking in hotel SameToy?
    In hotel SameToy are available for booking:
    • Economy Double
    • Standard Single
    • Standard Double
    • Standard Triple
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