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Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus
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The Pilgrim 2nd building hotel is located in the city of Mykolaiv. It offers a restaurant and free Wi-Fi in the entire area. The Internet in the hotel is provided by centralized power supply. When the electricity is turned off, the generator is used only as an alternative to light, the Internet does not work in this case. We offer rooms of the standard category for double accommodation. The rooms have everything you need for a comfortable stay: air conditioning, a refrigerator, a flat-screen TV. Each room is equipped with a bathroom with a shower and a hairdryer. A wardrobe is also standard. Breakfast is served every morning at the hotel. Laundry and ironing services are paid. The distance from the hotel "Pilgrim 2" to the bus station in Mykolaiv is 3.1 km, to the railway station - 2.6 km.

Select dates of stay to see prices and rooms:
Hotels . Hotel Standard Double №1;2;5;6..
Standard Double №1;2;5;6.
2 beds
! Prepayment is required
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Toilet, Bathroom, Washbasin
Food Breakfast included - Continental
Multimedia and Internet TV, Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Refrigerator, Heating, Wardrobe
Hotels . Hotel Standard Double twin.№3;4.
Standard Double twin.№3;4
2 beds
! Prepayment is required
for the night
Enter dates of accommodation to specify prices and book a room

Bathroom Shower, Hairdryer, Toilet, Bathroom, Washbasin
Food Breakfast included - Continental
Multimedia and Internet TV, Free Wi-Fi
Room amenities Air Conditioning, Refrigerator, Heating, Wardrobe
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Mykolaiv, ul. sadovaya, 3 Б
Overall rating of the hotel: Score by criteria: Categories of guests:
Based on 6 reviews
  • 'Cleanliness'
  • 'Comfort'
  • 'Price/quality'
  • 'Services'
  • 'Staff'
  • 6.7
  • 6.7
  • 6.7
  • 6.7
  • 6.7
  • All reviews (6)
  • Indefined (6)

Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus, Mykolaiv: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus
ul. sadovaya, 3 Б Mykolaiv 067 510-15-04
Adilia Todorova
12 of December 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
4 4 4 4 4
Дуже бюджетний готельчик, але з претензіями на щось вище. По роботі зупиняюся там часто, але останнім часом все помітніше стало "жлобство" хазяїна, який намагається економити на гостях. Звузили опції в сніданку, в тості замість шинки почали класти ковбасу дешеву,яку і песики б не їли. Це все показує ставлення до своїх гостей. Покращуйте свій сервіс, або хоча б тримайте на тому рівні, що був. Дуже неприємно. Але скрізь помітна набожність хазяїв...
Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus, Mykolaiv: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus
ul. sadovaya, 3 Б Mykolaiv 067 510-15-04
Захар Сергеев
29 of June 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
6 6 6 6 6
Гарне розташування! Сервіс +- нормально! В кімнаті присутні "друзі таргани" - великий-
Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus, Mykolaiv: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus
ul. sadovaya, 3 Б Mykolaiv 067 510-15-04
Paul Beesley
10 of March 2024
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
4 4 4 4 4
Rooms are comfortable but with no internet. The reception is in a separate building. Acces to rooms is through a dutch-themed cafe/eatery where you get your breakfast. This is a problem when the cafe closes - you have to knock-up the reception next door. Food is nothing notable, and they have a lax attitude to fire exits. Staff were helpfully enough.
Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus, Mykolaiv: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus
ul. sadovaya, 3 Б Mykolaiv 067 510-15-04
17 of November 2023
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Зручне розташування, мені як раз треба було біля ТЦ City. Є холодильник та чайник, пакетики чаю в номері, кулер з водою на поверсі. Сховище на випадок повітряної тривоги у внутрішньому дворику. В проживання включений сніданок, але я виїжджала о 7 ранку, тому сніданок не попробувала, бо він на 8 ранку. Треба було попередньо вдень про це сказати, щоб мені підготували "сухпайок", але про це пізно дізналась(
Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus, Mykolaiv: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus
ul. sadovaya, 3 Б Mykolaiv 067 510-15-04
Марина Винницкая
6 of September 2023
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
10 10 10 10 10
Передаю вітання з Києва пані Олені, працівниці готелю. Дякую, це дуже душевне і тепле місце, все сподобалося❤️ персонал просто молодці. Тримайтеся, хай у вас все буде добре
Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus, Mykolaiv: photo, prices, reviews
Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus
ul. sadovaya, 3 Б Mykolaiv 067 510-15-04
Аля С.
7 of October 2021
Cleanliness Comfort Price/quality Services Staff
6 6 6 6 6
Інтернет не працює. Розташування не зручне
  • Hotel services

    Internet, Washing house, Restaurant, Room service, Street parking, Ironing Service, Electric generator, Shelter in a hotel

    Quantity of rooms in hotel: 6

  • Hotel Policies

    These are general hotel policies, they may vary per room type; Please check the description of your room.
    Check in
    Check arrival: from 14:00 - 21:00 hours. Check leaving: to 09:00 - 12:00 hours.
    Reception opening hours
    09:00 - 21:00
    Children and extra beds
    The availability of additional seats and their cost should be specified at the time of booking.
  • Information about nutrition

    Every morning guests are served breakfast in the restaurant (8:00-11:00)
  • Distance to object:
    City center Mykolaiv ~ 10.0км
    Bus stations Mykolaiv ~ 3.1км
    Railway stations Mykolaiv ~ 2.6км
  • Travel information

    The railway station and bus station can be reached by public transport or by taxi.
  • Frequently asked Questions

    ⏰ What time is hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus check-in and check-out?
    Check-in: from 14:00 - 21:00 hours. Check leaving: to 09:00 - 12:00 hours.
    More information about Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus.
    🏨 How many hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus rooms?
    Total in hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus 6 rooms.
    To get more information about the rooms and their availability, select the dates of the trip on the website.
    🍳 What services are available in Hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus?
    For guests hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus the following services are available (additional fees may be charged):
    • Internet
    • Washing house
    • Restaurant
    • Room service
    • Street parking
    • Ironing Service
    • Electric generator
    • Shelter in a hotel
    💵 How much it costs to stay in hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus?
    Accommodation prices in hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus start from 800 UAH. To see the exact prices, enter the dates of your trip on the website Hotels24.ua.
    🛏️ What rooms are available for booking in hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus?
    In hotel Piligrim 2-y korpus are available for booking:
    • Standard Double №1;2;5;6.
    • Standard Double twin.№3;4
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